Eagle F1 Asymmetric 2
Finally, the best tires for those who deserve only the best. Characterised by its ActiveBraking technology, the newly launched Eagle F1 Asymmetric 2 is an addition to the sports performance passenger segment that delivers up to three meters shorter braking distance. The braking performance offers superb grip on both wet and dry roads, allowing you to enjoy a smooth, swift and silent ride under all weather conditions. The Eagle F1 Asymmetric 2 – the ultimate reflection of your success, refinement and quiet confidence. To view more interactive features of the Eagle F1 Asymmetric, visit our mini-site. 최고의 안전을 선사하기 위해 Active Braking Technology로 브레이킹 거리를 단축하였고 접지력과 조정성, 핸들링의 향상으로 보다 높은 마일리지를 선사하였으며, 연료소모와 CO2의 배출을 절감시켰습니다.